Our Minister (Formerly, Now Retired)

Reverend Doug Slagle
“When we define god with theological creeds, as if we are sure of who she is, we minimize and diminish her. When, instead, we explore our inner selves, the vast world around us, or the starry cosmos above, we will surely sense her presence in all her amazing glory.” Rev. Doug
As Unitarian Universalists, we believe in the “priesthood” of all people – that everyone is a minister–whether one serves in that role professionally or not.

Doug performing a marriage ceremony. He regularly officiates at weddings around the Tri-State area.
Having said that, we equally believe that there are experienced and trained women and men who are personally ‘called’ to serve as persons who inspire and care for a congregation. They are not more ‘holy’ or special than other persons. Much like being a teacher, nurse or accountant is a calling, we believe that exceptional ministers have a calling to help lead, encourage and serve spiritual communities. At the Gathering at Northern Hills, our Minister, Rev. Doug Slagle, serves in that capacity.

Rev. Doug’s ‘Calling Ceremony’ when he was formally ordained as Minister to the Gathering at Northern Hills.
Doug Slagle has been a Minister for over 15 years. He served the Gathering, a small church located in downtown Cincinnati, as its minister from 2009 until June 1, 2015 when the Gathering merged with the Northern Hills Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. At the Gathering, he focused on the needs of a small, close-knit congregation with progressive spiritual beliefs. He encouraged and helped develop its efforts to serve the urban poor and homeless. Serving for the first time in his career as a Sunday speaking Minister, Doug grew in his skills as a “preacher”. He is someone who seeks to inspire without assuming he is a religious authority.

Doug celebrates the GNH Flower Communion, 6-3-18
Doug attended Seminary in 1999 and 2000 with a focus on Bible studies and Pastoral Care. Prior to his five years at the Gathering, he served as an Associate Pastor of a large east-side Cincinnati church. He was its Pastoral Care minister helping to create, lead and foster home groups and book clubs, build volunteer opportunities and provide care for the needs of the congregation. He performed numerous weddings and funeral services as a part of his responsibilities.

Rev. Doug helping dedicate newborn Crosley Jane Araujo
As a Minister, Doug believes in empowering people to think for themselves, seek their own spiritual truth, and feel a part of a larger, loving community. He promotes and encourages diversity and his desire for GNH is that it be a place where individuals of all genders, races, sexual orientations and religious backgrounds are welcomed and celebrated. He tries to practice ’empathetic listening’ where the needs and opinions of each person are understood and valued. Doug is a friendly and accessible minister – someone who enjoys getting to know every member by listening to their concerns and offering them care when it is needed.
Doug wants GNH to be a place where people can connect at a number of social events – congregation potlucks, Pub Nights, movie nights, book clubs, field trips and other gatherings. In addition, the Gathering at Northern Hills will be a place committed not only to speaking in behalf of justice for the poor, homeless and marginalized, it will actively work to give its time and resources to them. Regular outreach and community serving are cornerstones of his ministry. He believes they are vitally important for the health of any spiritual community.

Rev. Doug walking with other Unitarian Universalists in a local march in favor of immigration justice
Doug’s messages are thought provoking without endorsing one particular brand of faith. In his mind, there are many pathways to truth and so he uses multiple sources of wisdom from the Bible to the Upanishads, Torah, Quran and secular resources for his Sunday messages. In each one of us, Doug believes, lies the moral imagination that leads us to seek cooperation with others in building a more just and compassionate world.
Doug and his partner live near downtown Cincinnati. He is active in the LGBTQ community and enjoys outdoor activities, time spent with friends and family, yoga, exercise and travel. Doug is also the proud dad of two married daughters, Sara and Amy. Both are pursuing nursing careers and occasionally attend GNH.
Doug welcomes meeting with members and friends at his office, by appointment.
“God is not an outside force controlling our lives. She or he is within us and a part of who we are. It is WE who are the ‘gods and goddesses’ that will build a better world.” Rev. Doug
Our Music Director
Michael Tacy has been associated with the Gathering at Northern Hills for many years. He grew up as a part of its youth group when his father served as Music Director at the Northern Hills Fellowship. In 2015, he began serving as Sunday musician to GNH. In 2018, he assumed new responsibilities and became the congregation’s Music Director.
Musical talent runs in Michael’s family. He is part of a local band called “Brotherhood” comprised of his two brothers and a close family friend. They lead worship at GNH on the first Sunday of every month. As a pianist, vocalist and player of several instruments, Michael works part-time for GNH, and full-time as a music teacher and administrator at a local Music store.
Michael brings a fresh and youthful voice to GNH. He has an amazing talent to very quickly learn and perform songs. As Director of the GNH Choir, Michael is a capable and friendly leader. He also directs GNH youth in annual musical presentations and he serves as the musician for all GNH weddings and funeral services. As if Michael is not blessed with enough talent, he occasionally serves as Sunday Minister to the congregation by offering well-liked, innovative and humorous messages.
Our Administrator
Adrienne Campbell began work as the GNH Administrator in November of 2017. Since that time she has successfully undertaken tasks to update the Harbinger newsletter, office files, Board notebooks, the GNH membership directory, and many other items. She also manages GNH’s rental of its building and grounds. Adrienne is a generous, kind and “fun” presence who is loved by all members. She welcomes visits and phone calls to briefly “chat” – or to address any needs and concerns of members and friends.
Adrienne’s office hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11 AM to 4 PM. Wednesdays, 9 AM to 2 PM.
You can contact Adrienne at